Clinics and classes

In the fall of 3rd year at CSU we start rotations! Which was really exciting but I never felt like I quite knew where to be.

I loved being on the clinic floor and having the reminder of why I’m here: the patients and clients! I was able to do so many things, and am starting to feel like someday I’ll be a doctor.

We had some bumps in the road during the fall semester; Teddy’s childcare with a classmate’s daughter ended for health reasons so he was put into commercial daycare. He is having a blast, I’m loving the hours but we are still dealing with daycare crud. He’s catching it all and bringing it home. We are planning to move our cows to new pasture and that keeps falling through. Balancing classes, clinics, being a mom and having a small farm has been challenging but I think we are starting to figure it out.


We’ve also had some pretty good things, I diagnosed my first case! It was a ruptured fibularis tertius on a horse. I mentioned something before we began doing radiographs for the horse and was able to save the client a little bit of money and realize that I really do know a few things. Teddy’s first birthday was great and he really smashed his cake! My fiancee, Scott, got a full-time job with an engineering firm he has always admired. He previously contracted for the first 2 1/2 years or so of veterinary school. I’m not sure how he will feel about the possibility of moving after school now.


Right now the club I am an officer for SCAAEP is gearing up for our annual symposium! I have been a part of its planning and execution since first year and it has always been a great experience. I am excited to be a part of it again this year, it is bittersweet with this being the last year for me. On the other hand, I’ll be fully in clinics this May and that is the pinnacle of my academic career.

Stay tuned for more updates; I’m hoping to blog a little more regularly. We will see how that goes.

Drift rubbed out his forelock a few months ago; he still looks like a dingus.